Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (arcade game)

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

Developer(s) Capcom
Publisher(s) Capcom
Engine Modified Final Fight Engine
Platform(s) Arcade
Release date(s) April 1993[1]
Genre(s) Beat 'em up
Mode(s) Single player, 2-3 player Co-op
Cabinet Upright
Arcade system CP System + QSound
Display Raster, 384 x 224 pixels (Horizontal), 4096 colors

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Arcade Game, known in Japan as Cadillacs: Dinosaurs of a New Century (キャディラックス 恐竜新世紀|Cadillacs Kyōryū Shin Seiki) is a 1993 arcade game released by Capcom. It is a side-scrolling beat 'em up based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. The game was produced as a tie-in to the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs animated series which was aired during the same year the game was released.



In Cadillacs and Dinosaurs the player has access to several attacks. Each character has two special moves; one that is performed by pressing down then up and the attack button, and the other which loses health on contact and is performed by pressing the attack and jump buttons together. When two or more players play together, placing their characters on top one another will trigger a team-attack.


Regular enemies

As in a typical beat' em up game, there are nasty enemies to oppose the players, described below.


Dinosaurs can be neutral or enemies in the game. When neutral they are in green color; when enraged or attacking they turn into a brown-yellow color; when "defeated" they return to green color and stop attacking, thus walk off screen. Having no allegiances, dinosaurs will attack anyone in their vicinity, player or enemy.

Stage bosses

As is customary with beat' em up games, there is a boss at the end of every level. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs has 8 levels and of course 8 different bosses.


Weapons are subdivided into three distinct classes: mêlée weapons, throwing weapons and firearms. Melee ones can have their attacks "delayed for extra damage", implying that the longer the player keeps the attack button pressed, the more damage it deals when hitting. Firearms, on the other hand, are mostly limited to their ammunition: when having their ammo fully depleted, they will lie on the ground (with exception of the Bazooka, which disappears right after), waiting for a reload, in which state they can be used as throwing weapons until reloaded (except for Rifle and M-16A1, which will be melee weapons). Bullet boxes will only reload firearms: if there are several firearms scattered around and the player grabs a bullet box, the first firearm picked up right after will be the reloaded one, with full ammo. Throwing weapons usually can be used only once, unless it can be used for melee attacks at close range (like Knife and a broken Rod).

Throwing weapons
Melee weapons


External links